Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Time at a University...

There is honestly not a more interesting time or place. I just stood outside for about 5 minutes and pretty much got an X rated show consisting of a lot of different things - outside of a freshman dorm of course...

The worst thing that comes to your imagination when I say this is true lol... Yes, it got to that point.

Anyway, I know I'll have fun this weekend, and I hope all my new followers and all the blog creators whose blogs I now read everyday have a great halloween weekend as well, should they choose to celebrate it or not!! Thanks a lot to all my readers for keeping up with the completely random pointless stuff that goes on here!! lol!!

Look forward to better stuff in the future when I am not such a noob!!


  1. Really looking forward to Halloween this year!

  2. hey thx for ur comment, and your fish are so awesome!!!

  3. and i don'T even have plans for HW this year, hmmm

  4. I only one 'slutt' today, but it was a good one. Halloween on campus = <3!!!!

  5. so you were watching a 90 midget rape/massacre with strapon dildos and DIDN'T record it on youtube for views and profit? ... you outrageous man xD
